“I have invested before and not gotten results. I’m afraid to invest again, but I also don’t know what to do to move my business forward. I’ve been working at this so long, but I’m feeling so cautious about it.”


is a very sucky feeling.

Whether because it was the fault of the previous program, the previous coach, or the previous version of you, doesn’t matter in this moment. This feels icky, and I’m so sorry you’re feeling that way.

I heard this question from someone on the fence about joining Book Paying Clients. She wanted a guarantee, proof that this would work for her, when nothing else had. Proof in a moment that what seemed impossible – her business making money, her feeling better, everything working the way she wanted it to, her goals hit, her dreams reality – was possible.

Here’s what I said.

Firstly, this sucks.

And I’ve been there.

And almost every single client who has worked with me over the past SEVEN YEARS of running this program and doing the work that I do has been there.

It breaks my HEART how many times we’ve all had this experience, and while yes, sometimes it’s because we ourselves just weren’t ready for it, it is OFTEN because of the lack of help and empowerment and even responsibility we find in the coaching space.

So often, coaches are doing one of two things in their programs.

Either they’re teaching the same strategies that worked for them, exactly how they worked for them, and saying ‘have fun, figuring out how it might work for YOU.’

And often when you yourself hit a roadblock that they can’t fathom or answer, they’ll say things like ‘it must be you, it must be your mindset, go work it till it works.

Not terrible advice, but super unhelpful, and quite frankly, often harmful.

OR they’re giving you those ‘breakthrough moments’ only. Those moments where they help you realize past traumas from your childhood and the like, so happy that they found a powerful emotional moment with you, but with no support whatsoever for what happens AFTER that moment. How do you OPERATE now that your consciousness has changed?

And more importantly for this conversation perhaps, how do you operate your business?

I myself have had my business thrown into disarray more than once because of such a breakthrough.

And I have to say that both of these, while they seem cool – ‘Here’s how I made $1M with absolutely no ads’ and ‘Let’s clear the childhood trauma’ – they are not on their own going to support you from IDEA to GOAL to STRATEGY to IMPLEMENTATION to, most importantly, RESULT.

My programs are different. My whole WORK is different.

Firstly, you’re going to do YOUR business and YOUR strategy, YOUR goals designed the way YOU want them to, ones that you can get behind. And we’re going to apply the foundations of masterful messaging, powerful strategy, empowering sales, and act and art of LIVING as you want to live (what I call mindset) to YOUR business. And because of that, while I will share ways that have worked for me, I’ll also walk you through your OWN strategies.

And I guarantee you when you get stuck, we will have a conversation – whether in the Facebook group, in the group coaching call, or privately in a 1:1 if you choose to do the VIP option in BPC – and I won’t leave until we solve it. Until YOU feel ready to face down whatever stuckness, whatever strategy isn’t working, whatever piece you need to tweak – whether it’s in business or your mind and life.

Secondly, I know it’s a big deal. You invested your time, your MONEY, your energy into work and into learning and programs and not gotten or not seen your result.

That DOES something to your brain, to your confidence in yourself and your business.

Your brain starts to say things like ‘maybe I should just get a real job’ or you catch yourself nervous to add milk to your coffee at the coffee shop because you’re not sure if you should spend the dollar on the upgrade when you have so little left.

That constant ache, that constant back and forth between feeling confident and unconfdient, that constant BATTLE to stay focused and confident on your business, of finding just the right thing to work on, to focus on to get your result, is DRAINING.

And it’s slowing you down.

This is NOT the business you designed. This is not the LIFE you envisioned.

And while I would never blame those old programs for doing that to you, we have to acknowledge that you’re here now.

And that’s the first thing we do in Book Paying Clients.

We get honest about how you’re feeling, we get honest about how POSSIBLE your goals and dreams seem. We get honest about what’s worked and what hasn’t worked.

And we get honest about what you need to start to feel better, to see your goals and dreams as possible again, and what pieces of your strategy and your foundations you need to focus on to start seeing results quickly.

Because seeing results and feeling results will start to bring that confidence back.

And when you have that back, there’s NOTHING you can’t do in your business.

We go over your numbers, we go over what kind of return on investment you want to make out of this program, and we set you up to GUARANTEE your own success, KNOWING what it’s going to take for you to get there, and being honest about what it’s going to take for you to be ABLE to feel supported, whole, confident, and joyful to get there.

And lastly, here’s the biggest thing. You getting a result for yourself, after all this time and investment in other things where you weren’t able to, that is going to DO something HUGE for you. ALLLL that previous work will start making sense. You’ll get to KNOW yourself as a person and as a business person at all those old stages of being and working. And you’ll be bringing the same sense of responsibility and empowerment to your own work and your own clients.

It drives me NUTS that are there are people out there not getting what they want out of their business and coaching investments.

And with this program and my work, my aim is not just to get you a result, but to make sure that, in the future, no one enters an investment or coaching relationship without getting exactly what they need ever again.

I hear you. You haven’t gotten results before.

But I am willing to bet that this $1000 is the last you’re going to spend for a while.

Because this program is where we change it all.

We make it simpler, easier, more fun.

We get the work that you’ve ALREADY done working.

And we get you utterly supported – in a space that won’t just say ‘go work on your mindset because your strategy isn’t working’ – right away, and throughout your ENTIRE time here. (All 6 months.)

Imagine yourself in 6 months in a space like that.

Feeling like that, could you really not get your result?

I hope to see you in there.

Because I REALLY hope to see this cycle end for you.

I know it’s scary.

But I got you, all the way.

Pinky swear.

>> Click here to join the Book Paying Clients program. We start this week.

To you,