Conversion magic is about optimization, not reinvention.
Now, I talk a lot about optimizing your sales strategy, your content strategy, and just your content in general to increase your conversions, make sales easier and more fun, and grow your list and impact, but there’s more to it.
It’s about always adding to what you know (and what you’re courageous enough to experiment and have fun with, even if you haven’t really figured it out yet!) to improve your work, improve your life, improve your clients’ lives, and improve your business.
I know we’re always sitting on a crazy precipice between learning stuff (such as code, video, Pinterest, how to sing like Christina) and outsourcing (i.e. outsourcing code, video, Pinterest, and singing like Christina so we can focus on what we’re already really good at).
Outsourcing has it’s place. (I outsource doing the stupid little text boxes in my workbooks because it drives me freakin’ nuts!)
But you’re done outsourcing out of fear.
Every time you outsource instead of learning how something works, you give away creative control in your business. You deprive yourself of the opportunity to learn something, practice something, and get better at something that will give you the tools to create better and better (and bigger) things in your business.
You don’t have to learn all of code, but knowing how it works means you’ll be able to solve little problems quickly and efficiently.
You don’t have to become Steven Spielberg, but by having a basic understanding of video, you’ll have more control over bringing your visions to life.
You don’t have to master Pinterest to the point where you can sell your Pinterest marketing packages and completely change careers, but by understanding Pinterest, you’ll be able to get creative as well as clearly and concisely communicate with your marketing team what kind of results and strategy that you want.
And no, you don’t have to sing like Christina. But I’m betting if that’s on your list, it’s because you really want to do it.
So stop being chicken.
This week, Christine (a rockstar client of mine) learned code. Seriously. One hour. She learned HTML. Epic, right?
Now that ish doesn’t scare her away anymore.
Outsource stuff where it makes sense.
But don’t let it be an excuse for giving up your creative control.
Or your dreams.
No more chickening out.
So today, here’s your job.
Learn something, practice something, empower your creativity with a new skill that you’ve been meaning to accomplish.
Learn HTML. Or watch a few tutorials about recording video (I’ve got one! It’s part of Grammar of Multimedia, but you can check it out here). Or take a class on Pinterest. Or join Christina’s online vocal course.
Should you learn it or outsource it, is the question, right?
You wanna be creative.
You wanna be a business.
And you wanna impact the world.
I say, take back your creative control.