Book Paying Clients

a community of business people with insane amounts of heart who want to simplify, systematize, and amplify their work, their business, and their lives

Email us at to join.

within a supportive community of other business owners and creators with insane heart who are out to change their own lives, achieve success on their own terms, and create a better world in the process

I used to start every month with a big, elaborate plan about how to book the two clients I needed that month. I’d put in 10-15 hours of work every day, and as the mont progressed, I’d get more and more stressed, overwhelmed, frustrated, and just plain NERVOUS that it wasn’t working.

I had no idea where to find clients, how to talk to them once I did find them, and how to keep booking CONSISTENT clients every month.

That big elaborate plan I always had never seemed to work. Even though I was doing all the right strategies, something wasn’t clicking.

There were some simple pieces missing for me. Once I mastered those, I started booking paying clients. Every single month.

I overcame being afraid of booking clients. I have 3 actual, paying clients when before I had zero, so that’s definitely progress!
The biggest change in my business since working together has been mostly in my attitude. You gave me belief. I know I want this. I want to be successful.
Heather Hartman

Nutrition + Wellness Coach, Heather Hartman Coaching

I created Book Paying Clients because it took me two years, thousands and thousands of dollars, countless hours, and training in dozens and dozens of business and sales strategies to find my own sweet spot in booking paying clients in my creative business.


So much of the training out there trains you in old sales models or just hands you a script and says, “Good luck.”

There wasn’t a program out there that worked on all the pieces that got ME the biggest results in my business. There wasn’t a program out there that focused on selling without sleaze and changed with the industry as more and more heart-centered businesses show up on the scene. And there definitely wasn’t a program out there that helped you through the mindset pieces that are utterly necessary for booking paying clients in your creative business.

As a client myself, I’ve been on so many bad sales calls that it’s my goal to bring authenticity back to sales.

Because it’s not just about booking paying clients. It’s about serving and supporting your people.

And you can’t do that if you’re just following a script.

In Book Paying Clients, I show you how to tap into your own confidence and your own strategies.

You get to do YOUR work, work you love, and build marketing and sales strategies around that.

All while booking clients your way, designing a business that works for you and actually WORKS.

So that you can run your business from now and years to come with heart and authenticity, ease and confidence, and absolutely zero sleaze.

In Book Paying Clients, you’ll get… 

  • A marketing plan you can get behind – one that you LOVE implementing that’s unique to you and one that WORKS, one that you have confidence in working every day and every minute you implement it


  • Weekly messaging feedback so that you’re confidently creating content and marketing strategies that WORK, both for You and for your ideal and future clients


  • Weekly sales strategy feedback so that you’re not just educating your audience and having a bunch of comments saying ‘Yes, I love this’ with no leads


  • Personal mindset insights and shifts so that (imagine having the support to manifest all those business desires you’ve been going for for so long)


  • An automated sales system, to make sure your income is always taken care of, even while you spend your time working with clients or working on other projects


  • Your exact target income number (along with your own personal budgets and goals)


  • Personalized support to hit them every time you want to


       • A community of other business people with insane amounts of heart who are right there with you


  • Guaranteed first access to Creative Biz For Real and the Mentorship Program before anyone in the public can enroll

The Details

Book Paying Clients is a monthly membership, with options to join month-to-month, for 6 months, or for 12 months.

When you joint he BPC family, you’ll get immediate access to the Facebook group which houses our community and all of the existing classes and workshops, with new workshops, classes, and more dropped each month.


  • Monthly live group coaching calls, with hot seat opportunities
  • • Weekly coaching threads and celebration threads (where Sarah personally checks and answers every single post)
  • Monthly new classes and workshops on sales, messaging, strategies, and mindset
  • Weekly messaging feedback on all of your content, copy, and any messaging you want to share to get it working
  • Weekly sales feedback on all of your strategies, conversations, and sales strategies that you want to share to get them working
  • Weekly strategy, foundations, and mindset feedback as well
  • Weekly threads for promotion, coaching and support, sharing your work, staying motivated and inspired, feedback on messaging, strategy, and anything you need in business or YOU as a business woman
  • • Templates and trainings to organize, goal set, achieve, alchemize, simplify, systematize, and amplify your business so that you can create your OWN version of business success
  • • Quarterly workshops and masterclass trainings 
  • • Premium content on mindset and creating a powerful manifesting headspace
  • • 100s of ideas for getting creative and booking paying clients

You’ll pick your focus or focuses at the beginning of your time in the program, and from there, we will get it working.

You’ll get…

  • A marketing plan you can get behind – one that you LOVE implementing that’s unique to you and one that WORKS, one that you have confidence in working every day and every minute you implement it


  • Weekly messaging feedback so that you’re confidently creating content and marketing strategies that WORK, both for You and for your ideal and future clients


  • Weekly sales strategy feedback so that you’re not just educating your audience and having a bunch of comments saying ‘Yes, I love this’ with no leads


  • Personal mindset insights and shifts so that (imagine having the support to manifest all those business desires you’ve been going for for so long)


  • An automated sales system, to make sure your income is always taken care of, even while you spend your time working with clients or working on other projects


  • Your exact target income number (along with your own personal budgets and goals)


  • Personalized support to hit them every time you want to


  • Guaranteed first access to Creative Biz For Real and the Mentorship Program before anyone in the public can enroll

Investment: $50 a month

Until September 15, 2023, you can join Book Paying Clients for $50 a month. 

After September 15, the price will go up to $97 a month. 

There are options as well to join for 6 months or 12 months with a discount. 


You want in?

Click the button below to tell me more about you and YOUR work and business, what’s been working, what hasn’t, and why you think this group environment program will be the game changer you need.


If we’re a good fit, I’ll be in touch within 2 business days to set up a time to talk!

Sarah Elizabeth and I immediately connected.  Although I was expecting strictly business content and strategy coaching, I received SO MUCH MORE.  I feel I have a cheerleader, a teacher, a mentor, and a trusted confidant that has allowed me to feel safer in my own vulnerabilities, and in sharing them with others.  I’m blown away by the value I’ve received in working with her one on one.  Not to mention her group workshops!   Thank you Sarah Elizabeth, for helping me make A Beautiful Mess a reality
Erin Hill

Coach, A Beautiful Mess, LLC

I felt much clearer on what I needed to do to achieve my goals. Sarah Elizabeth pulled no punches and told me what I needed to hear, rather than what I wanted to hear. She identified areas which I needed to revisit and gain clarity. Her no-nonsense, supportive approach, coupled with her ability to make you feel at ease, really helped me in gaining clarity around what I wanted to achieve and how to achieve it. I would recommend her to anyone needing support with their business and online communication.

Alison McClean

Blogger & Biz Owner


Will this work if I’m a NEW coach?
Most definitely. Most people who are JUST starting out in coaching have two big hurdles to jump. Firstly, you need experience (and confidence in your own ability to coach and lead). And secondly, you need a way to consistently build your business (rather than focusing on all the longer term, slower moving business growth strategies like content, list building, webinars, etc.).

This program addresses both of those things. By giving you simple and easy tools and strategies that you can apply RIGHT NOW to start booking consistent clients WHILE you build up your slower moving business growth strategies in the background AND by getting you to absolutely masterful and powerful messaging that not only demonstrates your value and work CLEARLY to your potential clients BUT ALSO teaches you to recognize your OWN experience and ability and hone your coaching skills all at the same time.

My clients who’ve worked through this program and worked with me in the past leave not just with really strong and persuasive, authentic messaging but also with oodles of confidence in their own ability AND they leave as better coaches than when they came in.

Will this work for me if I’m NOT a new coach?
That depends on one thing, my dear. Do you feel like a new coach?

Oftentimes, coaches who are truthfully really good at what they do once they have a client sitting in front of them, struggle with one big idea: How do I translate the magic that I am able to create with my clients behind closed doors into new clients and potential clients coming in?

i.e. How do I let people know how good I am?

That is exactly the point of BPC live. If you are brilliant at what you do (or you feel like you might be but no one outside of your client roster seems to see it in you and you constantly feel like you have to justify or explain yourself ad nauseum to new people), then we need to work on your messaging OUTSIDE of your client calls.

The world needs to know how good you are at what you do.

Part of that is going to be able learning about how amazing you are at what you do, exploring your skills and methods and expertise, and growing in confidence of it all.

And part of that is going to be able to SAY it. In your marketing, in your messaging, and everywhere else. So that you’re not berating new people or justifying how good you are.

They just see it. Instantly. And go “Oh fuck, I need her!”

Will this work if I’m a service provider, like a web designer or VA?
Absolutely. The basics of my client-booking methods come from my own freelancing career, which means that all of the strategies can EASILY be adapted to match your work as a service provider. I’ve run through this process with business owners of all kinds, from VAs and web designers to coaches and consultants even to authors and retreat leaders. NOT TO MENTION, we’re going to be working closely together 1:1 for WEEKS, so there will be so much opportunity to tailor any strategy TO YOU and to what lights you the fuck up!

We will be focusing heavily on one-to-one sales, as well as building your numbers and leads for CONSISTENT sales, which works for any service based business, from coaching to virtual assisting.

Why do you love this program, Sarah?
Here’s the truth.

There is no one in the industry teaching this stuff like this.

And there is no way that I would be where I am in life and business if I had never learned it.

We all start our businesses to have freedom, to travel the world, to say yes to more of what we want, to support our families and those we care about, and to be able to serve and support the world in a way that feels amazing and fulfills a mission for us.

And we spend years essentially bumbling around in the dark without direction, without results, and slowly eroding our trust in ourselves and our ability to actually achieve everything we wish to.

This program is my way of shocking the system.

Without these skills and this method, I would not be in California typing this right now.

And without teaching these skills and this method, I would not be doing what I want to do most.

Which is help those who are sick of fucking about and ready to move forward do exactly that.

How do I know if I should do book paying clients right now with you Sarah?

If the “beginning” of your business has lasted longer than 3 months, do BPC.

If you want to ensure that the beginning of your business will be 3 months or less, do BPC.

If you’re a new coach and still not sure if you’re cut out for this (though you know you are at the same time), do BPC.

If you’re a service provider who’s still working more than 20+ hours a week and making less than $2000/month, do BPC.

If you’re dependent on luck, referrals, or stumbling upon the perfect client in Safeway and/or Target, do BPC.

If you’re ready to move to California, travel the world, or just support your household like a boss, do BPC.

If you’re not sure, do BPC.

(No I’m kidding. If you’re not sure, email me at and we’ll figure out if it’s the right decision together.)

But basically, I think you should do BPC.

If you’re ready to book clients like yesterday, ahem, I mean in the next six weeks, get your ass in BPC.